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Called By Love with Dr. Marj Britt & Friends

February 13, 7-9 pm (including Dream Work) and February 14, 10am – 4pm

Click here to register for this Intensive

spiritual intensive

What are the many FACES OF LOVE in your life, faces that make you Uniquely You? Do you include Romantic Relationships (for Valentine’s Day!), Family, Friends, even Vocations or Avocations that you love, things, experiences and people that give you Passion and Purpose?

How has it CHANGED OR SHIFTED as you have changed or shifted, perhaps in different decades of your life? How do you deal with the IN-BETWEEN TIMES?

What are the KEYS to continuing to LIVE the HIGHER AND DEEPER REACHES OF LOVE? How do we cherish and experience the INTIMACY and JOY? How do we deal with times of LOVE bringing loneliness and loss?

How do you ‘live’ your VOWS of evolving Commitment, Passion and Purpose? Is there a Greater Love unfolding in the We Space of Evolutionary Consciousness?


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