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Finding Your Golden Thread – Class 2 of 4

Worldwide, from the comfort of your home
Wed. JANUARY 8th ~ 15th~ 22nd & 29th @ 1o am PST/1pm EST

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Much like Constance Kellough and Eckhart Tolle (as described in her interview), there is a Golden Thread in your Life. And there are INTERSECTIONS IN TIME that are related to the potentials of your Golden Threads intersecting with potential others. You may want to re-listen to Constance Kellough’s replay. Together, in the Synergy of a vibration of We-Space, you will begin to uncover it.

You have experienced some of the World’s Greatest Mapmakers of Consciousness and have heard their stories, seen through the LENS OF THEIR OWN LIVES. NOW, SEE CLEARLY your own story, your own map, through the lens of your own life. You will see the BENCHMARKS, the INTERSECTIONS IN TIME, and more . . .

You will see Past, Present and Future as NOW, with MULTIPLE REALITIES EXISTING SIMULTANEOUSLY. . . for those who have the eyes to see.

January 8: Together we will begin the journey, individually and in the We-Space

January 15: Seeing some of your own LIFE THEMES, PATTERNS, GIFTS and more, we will include a
GOLDEN THREAD ASSIGNMENT…which you will design for yourself, we might call it a FIELD TRIP for EXPLORING THE TERRITORY . . .

January 22: Check-In, Group Coaching, Questions & Answers and Sharing

January 29: UNLOCKING THE CODES . . . Where are we Now? What is your WHY? WHAT? HOW?


Dr. Marj Britt founded Called by Love in 2011 as the Universe began to call her to a worldwide platform that was beyond the ‘bricks & mortar’ platform of Unity of Tustin. Marj was a visionary leader of Unity of Tustin, California, for 19 years. Widely known for its beautiful meditation gardens and as a Campus of Consciousness, Unity of Tustin hosted some of the foremost master teachers of today. Marj has also served as senior minister for two ministries in the San Francisco Bay Area. Before ministry, she completed a doctoral degree at the University of Massachusetts School of Education, with a focus in curriculum, psychological education, and counseling. For her dissertation, ‘Life Patterns of High Success’, the School of Business was represented on her dissertation committee as an ‘outside member’. She attended seminary at Unity School of Christianity and was ordained in 1988. She has served on the seminary board, the Academic Governance Council, as well as in other national leadership roles. She is a mystic in the world, a master teacher, with consciousness and Love as the living flame of her life.


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