There are always those who come into our lives by Divine Design, souls that it is our destiny to be with, to be in a relationship of Emergence. There is teaching, there is learning, there is guiding and all of the rest in-between!

It is happening at every moment, in every stage and state of our lives. I’ve come to call these ‘stages’ and ‘states’ different countries. There are ‘different languages’ in different countries. There are different ‘cultures’ and ways of being. And there are different voices inviting us to ‘play’. So many choices…

The rare Gifts come sometimes when we aren’t even looking for them, sometimes when we feel invincible…and sometimes when we feel lost or even stuck. Sometimes we don’t recognize them. Sometimes we do, perhaps finally, even for the first time.

This rare Gift came to me in the form of four questions from one I had known for 57 years of my life. It came with a request, only one request, that I write the answers to what I now call “The Four Most Important Questions”.

I now give this Greatest Gift to you with one simple request…that you write your own answers to the questions…as they apply in your own life, in whatever stage or state you may be…

The Four Most important Questions:
“Who Am I?” That means you…the one reading this…
“Who Are You?” This will be about someone significant in your life perhaps…
“Who Are We?” This will be where you begin to see how clearly you see…
“What Is Our Purpose?” This, perhaps, will be the one where you begin to see multiple levels, multiple realities, existing simultaneously…or not…, you’ll see.

As I began writing my response to the first question, I described my own journey in different phases of my life. I recognized achievements and heartbreak, teachers and guides. Things seemed to have emerged as I Emerged. It included Unity, things like the Enneagram, the Spiral, AQAL and Integral, important Maps of Consciousness that have guided me. The ‘angels’ or guides for these Marker Events sometimes showed up in books, in human form sometimes, or even in moments in time.

In the second question, Who Are You?, I wrote about the one who had given me the questions… It took me deeper. My study of The Work of Byron Katie came into my Awareness as I re-read later what I had written. Katie had come to Unity of Tustin many times, before she was famous. She had anchored The Work in our Beloved community and in my being. For me, it has shifted into Living Energy. I realized in an embodied Knowing that Everything I saw outside of myself, and in this “You”, was part of my own Being, my own soul/Soul, ascending and descending.

The third question ‘Who Are We?’ was a doorway into a very Pure Love. I have now come to know it as a kind of WeMysticism. It is a term I learned later from Jeff Carreira and Patricia Albere. It is the We Space, Oneness and Mystical Union. It is the living energy of Site 6 in the Meditation Garden, Love and Wisdom. It is the stained glass image that I love so much that was created by my son as artist. And I knew that these Energies had come into my life way before I fully recognized them.

The giver of my greatest gift, The Four Most Important Questions, left the physical body and life on this plane before I could begin to write the ‘answer’ to the fourth question. The ‘leaving’ catapulted me into realms I could not have humanly even ever imagined. Instantly and simultaneously over a process of what I now experience as a mystical ‘three’, Spirit, Soul and body, my consciousness shifted from horizontal seeing into Vertical Awareness, from left-brain dominance to Right Brain…with no way back. I now live in both worlds.

Now I remember, I’d known ‘about’ this for over 30 years, this 180 degree shift. It talks about it in A Course in Miracles…something that I had deeply read and actually taught five times, cover to cover, all of the Text, all of the Workbook, all of the Teacher’s Manual. Every page, highlighted and underlined… It had imprinted in my mind and heart and being… And now I was living this Shift.

So…What Is Our Purpose?
In this Now moment, I know some of the Emerging answers. And as I write them, beings and angels, some visible, often invisible, seem to be writing through me and as me. It permeates my heart, my mind and my soul.

Revelations come, visions come, Knowing in the unknowing…

To Be ‘Called By Love’ as Living Emergence, spiraling higher and deeper
To Know One Soul in three expressions, Spirit, Soul and body;

To Know the Kosmic and the Soul, bridging the worlds of the Invisible and the human journey, on this amazing Path of Destiny;

To Realize Our Purpose is still in process…and simultaneously, the Awareness of the Map is clearly in place;

The see the Span of the Bridge as the Map between worlds, between countries, between stages of our lives and our soul emergence.

I invite you to write your own answers to these Four Most Important Questions.
And don’t be surprised if they continue to Emerge in time… That is the way of time.

If you are willing, I invite you to send them to me, …or you might even submit them
to Of course, that might feel ‘risky’.

It is Amazing Grace… It is the Way that our journey leads and guides us.