Dr. Marj Britt was a visionary leader of Unity of Tustin, California, for 19 years and served as Senior Minister Emeritus afterwards. Widely known for its beautiful Meditation Gardens and as a Campus of Consciousness, Unity of Tustin hosted during her tenure as Senior Minister some of the foremost Master Teachers of today.
In September 2011, Marj founded Called By Love. It is world-wide-web based, and also offers some ‘live’ intensive events. It is about how to recognize the Faces of Love in your life, past, present and future, all in the Now, as One.
Called By Love is centered in the Mystery of the Template of Love as Creation, in all of the stages and states of your life. It invites you to identify your Soul Spiral and the Center of Gravity shifts in your life, and to Know what is ‘Always Already’. It opens to seeing the Vastness in the Four Acts of your Being.
Your personal map of creation is the Revelation of your own cosmic and human love story. It is your Spiritual Autobiography of Love in all of its wonderful and strange forms.
Marj holds a doctoral degree from the University of Massachusetts School of Education with a focus in curriculum, psychological education and counseling. For her dissertation, ‘Life Patterns of High Success’, the School of Business was represented on her dissertation committee as an ‘outside member’.
In a profound and unexpected way, she experienced the Call of God that would change her life. She attended seminary at Unity School of Christianity and was ordained in 1988. She has served on the Unity Institute seminary board, the Academic Governance Council, as well as many other national leadership roles.
Marj is a mystic in the world, a master teacher and Guide, with consciousness and Love as the living flame of her life.
Influential Master Teachers include: Ken Wilber, Sally Kempton, Caroline Myss, Jean Houston, Andrew Harvey, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Dr. Don Beck, Adyashanti, Dr. David Hawkins, Stephanie Dowrick, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, A Course in Miracles, Leslie Temple-Thurston, Byron Katie, Meath Conlan, Unity of Tustin and then the Emergence into Called by Love Institute as a mystical community.
Your life, if you see it through the eyes of Love, is a Love Story that never ends. Ultimately it is the Parable of your Soul’s journey. It will be a Manifesto of Love if you are willing to become a Co-Creator of That. This is your invitation.
Are You Called By Love
Called By Love began with a blog post “Of Tsunami’s, Earthquakes and Womb-Houses“. This is part of the Love Story in Marj’s own life and is a View of the Vastness that is Beyond. The experiences of Dark Nights can often be our entry points into our next Stages, our next platforms, our next Revelations. It is also an invitation to you… to be part of the Emergence, to bringing your own Soul’s Story into a perspective beyond anything you may have ever seen, expected or understood…