About Called by Love Institute

The Mission for Called By Love Institute is to “HARNESS THE POWER OF LOVE as a Revolutionary and Evolutionary FORCE in Healing Lives, Building Dreams, Realizing Purpose, Destiny, and Legacy, Connecting ordinary and Extra-ordinary people to their  fullest potential, Bringing Awareness and Light into the world.”

It is a doorway that exists to connect people to Love in its fullest potential. First it is in the ‘I Space’ existing within each individual and in the ‘We Space’ existing in relationship. Then it emerges into Knowing the Essence of the All That Is.

Called by Love Institute offers trans-formative learning and teaching that Transcends and Includes, transforming thinking and feeling, healing and shifting perceptions, in the lives of ordinary and extra-ordinary people.

We live, teach, model, train, invite and initiate in the experience of a Campus of Consciousness committed to ‘Living your Destiny, Loving your Life, and Realizing Legacy’. We offer in person monthly workshops intensives in Tustin, California (Friday evening/Saturday, as well as worldwide through the invisible platform of the world wide web. Our first Online Worldwide Free Telesummit, “Living, Loving, Legacy”, has been followed by several online/on the phone courses available from anywhere in the world.

We are in the process of building a three-year Teacher Certification curriculum.

We are also working on products that will include digital downloads, CD’s, DVD’s and videos, Books, eBooks, iBooks and more. The first book, The Manifesto of Love by Marj Britt, is forthcoming. It will be the first in a series of Called By Love books on the stages and states of co-creation.

How did it start?

Called By Love is an evolution in consciousness and a broadening understanding of creation.  It is an exploration of God as Love, seeing Love in All, and responses to being called by Love. Called By Love is, quite literally, the answer to Marj Britt’s calling.

Over 25 years ago, Dr. Marj Britt had a profound voice and light experience that changed her life from a “fast track to money and success” to being called by God, which led her into ministry. In 2010, in a talk on what it means to be “called”, Marj twice said, “I KNOW that I am called by God.”

The next morning, she experienced/was informed: “Your concept of God has been too limited. You are now called by Love.”

Dr. Marj Britt founded Called by Love in 2011. Marj, our founder, is a visionary leader, a mystic in the world, a master teacher, with consciousness and Love as the living flame of her life.

To this day, “Called by Love” has been run 100% by the dedication and resources of volunteers. Nobody has been paid. All of us offering our gifts, time, resources and support as “Selfless Service” because we feel “Called by Love” and inspired by our mission. Learn more about our team here..

On August 20, 2014 we received the confirmation from the Internal Revenue Service that the Called by Love Institute received the 501 (C) (3) status in the Internal Revenue Code. This means that all Love Offerings and tithes are now tax deductible.

Are you Called by Love?

Called by Love Institute is also a call to you, to share when you’ve been called by Love. The Called by Love Institute shares deep teachings inspired from Love and also insights from other Master Teachers and stories from readers and participants, showing how they have been affected by or Called By Love.

Love is the underlying source of the most joyful experiences and sometimes also the most difficult. It also calls us to act in the most trying times as well as in times of ease. So we challenge ourselves to find the call of love in every moment of our life. We are looking forward to seeing you at a local event in California, hearing you soon on our worldwide calls, reading you on facebook, or in another way you feel called to join us.