
“My experience of Called By Love today has been profound, inspiring, challenging and exciting. I have re-affirmed my life’s purpose, which is to be of “Healing Service”. I have become aware of the importance of sharing and teaching my expertise and wisdom. Being put ‘in the spotlight’, in the center of the circle, clarified that expanding “Wellness Programming” through partnerships and the internet is part of my vision. So I have learned to come from my authentic Self to implement my life’s purpose!!”

~  Dr. Nicolaas-John in Tustin, CA.

“Called By Love intensives have been a journey of deep spiritual awakening resulting in a transformation of my life experience. I have become aware of and discovered my higher Self and am now called to live from a place of knowing, from a state of Love and compassion. To see the potential not only in myself but in those around me, to integrate this awareness into my career and to help others discover their true potential and higher calling.”

~  Vanessa, in Tustin (originally from Cape Town, South Africa)

“Called By Love is a group of like-minded people whose life events have put them on a spiritual path. As we allow “God Within” to expand, our consciousness expands as well. We are able to stand back and see how consciousness evolves in a kind of spiral. We are led by Dr. Marj Britt, our passionate, knowledgeable and ever curious minister. We explore God, our souls, our experiences and growth. For a long time, I have been alone on this path. It’s wonderful to finally have company and a fabulous leader.”

~  Kay in Tustin, OC.


“It is connecting with like-minded souls with similar missions: It is answering “What mission did we all agree to (at a deep Soul level) to come into this Life and find the space to live from our authentic, Higher Self and to spread positive energy in the world?” Living from this space touches every area of my/our life; relationships, career, and state of Being. We are stepping into the “We” space to heal the world as we are Called By Love.”

~  Karina, in Tustin OC


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Thank you for adding your review on Called by Love Institute page at http://greatnonprofits.org/orgB/called-by-love-institute and/or feel free to send us you testimonial at team@calledbylove.com.