A Message from Marj, incl. invitation for our Worldwide Call
this Wednesday October 9th at 10 am PDT
Events happen…and we continue our journey, consciously or unconsciously, probably with a bit of both! I made a commitment to go through some ‘stacks’ of papers over the last 30 days while Fabienne was traveling in Belgium. Marla came to help me; it is so good when people show up to assist.
Curiosity and wondering eventually lead us to explore even the contents my son had put in boxes in the garage over 15 years ago! Our deep dives will often reveal amazing treasures along with things that will be released and let go.
The gift of this reminder email needing to be written realigned me and brings me back to Being present in the Presence. I am deeply grateful for That, for our monthly calls and for the sacred journey that we share.
SURPRISE! This month of October is the 8th ANNIVERSARY of the BEGINNING OF CALLED BY LOVE INSTITUTE. Eight years have gone by since that first live Called by Love Intensive at Unity of Tustin. The title of it was “LET THERE BE LIGHT”.
The live intensives would be based on the garden sites in the beautiful meditation garden at Unity of Tustin. Another incarnation of this would come in the publication of my first book, ‘Your Soul’s Invisible Codes, Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story’ which would also be a later part of these eight years.
In the process of reviewing, I’ve felt drawn to look and see more consciously what these eight years have included, what they have meant in my life. If you are interested at a deeper level, you can click on this link to view the Overview document I’ve created.
You are invited, before the call or later, to do your own overview, see the higher and deeper in your life, see the Vastness in this Play of Consciousness called ‘life on the human plane’.
Will your overview also include “revelations and hardest initiations”, the title I chose for this email? My intuitive awareness is that it has. Where will we land? Will we find the Gold in the Alchemy of our Awakened Life???
I am so looking forward to our time together. I want to hear about your Revelations!
Wednesday, October 9th at 10 am PDTCALL REPLAY:

You might, or not, be aware that despite the fact that everyone involved has been volunteering their time and resources for Called By Love Institute so far, there are fixed costs incurred in order to, for instance, be able to send our emails, provide the platform used for the monthly calls, hosting our websites, etc.
Thank you in advance for your generosity if you can help support us by sending CBLI a donation by check, via paypal or credit card (one time or recurring). This would allow us to continue to share our offerings of Love with you going forward!
Please send your check made to Called by Love Institute to:Called By Love Institute
c/o Fabienne Meuleman
13681 Newport Ave.
Ste 8 – #863
Tustin, CA, 92780
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from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt