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A Tender Not-Knowing, Message from Marj & Call Recording

A Message from Marj
Invitation / Recording of our Live Worldwide Call on Wednesday, June 20th

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from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt!
A Tender Not-Knowing

There was a feeling of being pulled toward the words.
I feel the longing, the yearning within my own being.

Matt Licata’s blog post on ‘A Healing Space…reflections on love and the intimacy of immediate experience’ has been drawing me in, over and over again, for days.

I am leaving for a 10 day trip to Kansas City and will be returning the day that you will be receiving this email.  Will I know more then…about this exquisite open-heart awareness that is pulling me in its compelling and sacred way?

Is it being ignited by many memories of love, anticipation and fulfillment, as well as heartbreak?  Is it about something so much Vaster, a vision and dreams?  I find myself especially loving one sentence in the blog:

“To stand in awe as you touch this world together, not as an expert or master, but as an amateur and beginner…sometimes broken, sometimes whole, sometimes a mess, but always alive.”Tending to and caretaking the soul – your soul and mine, as part of the soul of the world – it rings true for me.  It is the vision of  ‘Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story’, the sub-title of my book, ‘Your Soul’s Invisible Codes’.  It continues to draw me into the arms of the Vastness.

Then another sentence in the blog post speaks: “When we are totally unclothed – of all the old concepts and fantasies of a life without vulnerability – love will show us what we are.”

I am wanting to hear your voice, feel your tender heart.
It is when I feel your vulnerability that I also feel my own.
I am so looking forward to our call:

Called by Love Institute Worldwide Call
Wednesday, JUNE 20Th at 10 am PDT

(please be patient as the call recording starts at 0:28 sec.)
Offered on a Love Offering Basis:

In Deep Gratitude and Love,

MarjP.S.  The Universe has a way of arranging things!  I will be in dialogue with a SURPRISE GUEST on our worldwide call on June 20th!  REV. DR. STEVE COLLADAY and I will talk about how the Call of Spirit often comes in our lives in times of Not-Knowing.  Steve is the Transitional Minister at Unity of Tustin now, and we shared some beautiful time at Unity Village during this past week at the Unity annual conference. 

Marj and Steve at Unity Village, June 2018


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from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt

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