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A TIME FOR BUILDING BRIDGES: Called by Love Institute Worldwide Call

A TIME FOR BUILDING BRIDGES: How do we heal the world with Love?

Marj’s blogs will resume soon…  😉  In the meantime, please enjoy the recording of our worldwide call from today. You are invited to add your own answers to the questions raised on the call in the comment section below:

  • How do we heal the world with Love?
  • How do we build the bridges?
  • What are the ways we dissolve separation?
  • What works for you?
  • How have you been healed? What worked for you? And what didn’t work?

Click here to access the CALL REPLAY:

And below is the invitation we sent by email yesterday.
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We have just completed a stunningly beautiful weekend with Melanie M. Davis and me co-leading our live in-person Called By Love intensive.  She flew back home yesterday morning and I am still feeling the Glow!

And yesterday afternoon and evening, I tuned in for a time to the opening session of the Republican Convention, soon to be followed next week by the Democratic one.  We are in a time of the Awareness of two worlds…

What occurred to me is that we had, without realizing it, modeled in the live Called By Love intensive which was focused on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, at least a few of the Ways to dissolve separation and build the bridgesbetween worlds.

It is a powerful model that could have applications in many areas of our lives in the world; in our relationships with other people, in our tribes, which include people with different values, related to politics or religion perhaps; in every experience we have where there is the ‘speaking of different languages in different countries’!

What I’m hoping for on the call tomorrow is that we will all locate ourselves in this amazing adventure call Life where there are different worldviews, different languages and different value systems.  And, in locating ourselves, we will also find the ways for building bridges in a world desperately needing them.

So, tomorrow, we can ask:  How do we HEAL the world with LOVE?  What works, what doesn’t work…for you, for me, for each of us?

As I sat in the Stillness this morning, I found THREE ways that work for me, ways that I am willing to make a commitment to…  I’ll share with you tomorrow what came for me.  And, as we will go into the Stillness on the call, I’ll be looking forward to hearing what comes for you, and what works for you…


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