You are currently viewing August 2021 Called By Love Institute ZOOM with Dr. Marj Britt: “DISCOVERING YOUR DESTINY IN THE FOUNDATIONS OF YOUR LIFE!” – Recording

August 2021 Called By Love Institute ZOOM with Dr. Marj Britt: “DISCOVERING YOUR DESTINY IN THE FOUNDATIONS OF YOUR LIFE!” – Recording


Worldwide Called by Love Institute ZOOM with Dr. Marj Britt 
recording from Wednesday August 18th, 2021 at 10 am PDT

YouTube Link:

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While there is no charge to join us on our monthly gatherings, 
Called By Love Institute welcomes Tax Deductible Donations 
to help cover the costs related to Called By Love Institute!

Your CHECKS made to Called by Love Institute can be sent to: 
Called By Love Institute
c/o Fabienne Meuleman
13681 Newport Ave.
Ste 8 – #863 
Tustin, CA, 92780

You are also welcome to

Using this link (PAYPAL DONATION) 



Are you ready for a QUEST and a VISION  that will occur simultaneously with time and Timelessness as One?  Are you Willing to OPEN into the Unknowing and Knowing that is Beyond the human mind?  Are will Willing for Revelations to come, glimpses to guide you?

What if you have been given glimpses over your entire lifetime and you didn’t or couldn’t recognize the multiple levels of Cosmic Vibrations of Light?  What if the glimpses have been there all along, revealing themselves in the Foundations of your life in different moments, places and stages?

Have some of the ‘words’ that you have heard, potentially over and over at different times, like “Let There Be Light” or “You Are the Light of the World”, been pointers, guides and signs?  Have they been part of the Repeating Patterns of Light in different colors of vibration?

Has your ego awareness of these things related to it as ‘self-glorification’ and rejected it,  discounted it, as not applying to you?  Could this be God’s Voice, the Essence of the All That Is, showing you the way?  Is your beginning step about accepting your real function on earth?  Is it the reason you came to earth?

What if the Foundations of your life are part of the Structure within you that reflects a Cosmic Vision?  Could you actually DISCOVER what mystics see when they say “As Above, So Below…?  Could you actually begin to identify it in the physical foundations of your life, visible and invisible?  Does it include things like VALUES?  Could it include the place you chose to be born, who you chose to be your parents?   Was your Assignment to learn, to heal or even to teach?

One of my personal prayers for many, many years is:  “Open the Doors that I Am to walk through, make them so clear I will not miss them.  Close the Doors that are not part of my path, make them so clear I will not miss them.”   It is also a prayer that I have taught for many of the years in my role as a spiritual guide and teacher.

Do you recognize doors when they open, are you aware of the Now that may feel new and unknown that is Foregrounding?  Do you recognize the doors that seem to be closing, where things may be changing, shifting and backgrounding?

Can you see a Master Plan with Structures, Foundations with different vibrational frequencies?  Do you see Repeating Patterns, Shadow Crashes?  Are there Illuminations and Shifts you Realize in your own Being?  The result may seem like Magic.  Or it could include Sorrow or Grief.

We have a lot that we can dive into as we gather together.  My deepest heart’s desire is that our Willingness will be there, that our deep heart sharing will facilitate Opening in one another.  

With Deep Love and Gratitude,  Marj If you are on facebook, you can RSVP here to let us know that you are planning
to join us, and of course, you are welcome to invite friends!

 Also, here are a few additional events (not organized by Called By Love)
that we thought you might like to be aware of….   Each one very different from the others.

  • August 14th to 19th: 35th ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION with Patricia Cota-Robles.Online. 
    Free registration:
    “The Mission for the 35th WCI involves Cocreating an unprecedented Quantum Field of Comprehensive Divine Love that will result in an Evolutionary Shift of Consciousness”  (Recording of Day 1:  
  • August 19th (4-week):  Spiral Dynamics Online Course with Shara Moscinska: a collaborative journey exploring a model of human development that is pulling us into new frontiers. Eventbrite registration, Unity of Tustin, $50:
  • August 22nd (Sunday) from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: The Ease of Meditation
    Intensive with Craig Steven Phillips.
     In person in the Unity of Tustin Sanctuary (also available online for the Tao Tribe via Zoom). $25. For information and details, check the UoT updates or contact Craig Craig will also be leading the services at Unity of Tustin on Sunday August 15th and August 22nd at 11 am (in person and on UoT facebook and YouTube).

Sending Love and Blessings your way,

While there is no charge to join us on our monthly gatherings, 
Called By Love Institute welcomes Tax Deductible Donations 
to help cover the costs related to Called By Love Institute!

Your CHECKS made to Called by Love Institute can be sent to: 
Called By Love Institute
c/o Fabienne Meuleman
13681 Newport Ave.
Ste 8 – #863 
Tustin, CA, 92780

You are also welcome to

Using this link (PAYPAL DONATION) 



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