So many things have happened since our last worldwide call. There has been an unexpected surprise that included shock, grief and loss, a flight to northern California and a memorial for my beloved’s grandson, who had become like my own grandson.
And there have been long planned moments that had been anticipated which were filled with deep gratitude and appreciation. A second planned trip to Colorado included time with my brother, as well as seeing Ken Wilber for the first time at Integral Living Room in Boulder, my hometown.
I had no idea that these moments would juxtapose themselves in time in a call that was scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving. My pattern in ministry would have been more traditional with a focus on Gratitude and giving, knowing blessings.
Yet when I listened to my own voice speaking the opening words in the video, I was stunned. It seemed to know exactly where I would be…Now.
My words speak of grief and sorrow and they invite me to look through the lens of love, invite me to see through the eyes of the soul and begin to see in a way that is different. They speak to me of the “birds of the sky” as well as the “great sea monsters” that sometimes rock our boat in ways that include loss and grief.
It feels a bit strange for a pre-Thanksgiving call. However, it occurs to me that this year, for me, has been a bit strange. I’ve experienced it in world events, in shifts in culture, politics and even in life transitions.
I’m wondering what we have learned as we have experienced our surprises,
juxtaposed along side the ‘plans that we have made’ for our lives. I would love for us to take some deep dives into our deep life questions. What have been our tools? Have they worked? Or not? If not, where have we landed?
And, let’s also include the traditional. What are we feeling Gratitude for? What is Thanksgiving for us this year? I am feeling gratitude right now for you and I am looking forward to being with you in dialogue on our monthly call this Wednesday, November 22nd. Here are all the details:
Wednesday, November 22nd at 10 am PST
RECORDING: https://iTeleseminar.com/100544691Happy Thanksgiving to all.
With Deep Love,