You are currently viewing Code 4: Will & Understanding and the Executive Power of Mind ~ Fourth Video in the Codes of Co-Creation SERIES with Dr. Marj Britt

Code 4: Will & Understanding and the Executive Power of Mind ~ Fourth Video in the Codes of Co-Creation SERIES with Dr. Marj Britt


CODE 4 is about Will and Understanding and the Executive Power of Mind.  Another 10 days has passed, our symbol of the Power of One going into Infinity in our Seven Codes of Co-Creation VIDEO SERIES. Whoa, so much has happened for me in the last two weeks.  It feels like I am living in two different worlds, in the world and not of the world.  How has it been for you?

Time comes to the forefront, yet simultaneously Timelessness holds it, envelopes it and speaks to it of Purpose and Destiny, inviting us to listen to its whispers.

I am feeling stunned as I experience the words that I spoke when we did this video- shoot in September that now seems like so long ago.  Even though Code 4 shifts into manifestation in the world, all of my life, even in the last two weeks is there.  Past, present and future, are all there…along with surprise.

There are glimpses of the whole, even as we focus on the immediate.  There is the Invisible and the visible, with Divine Will and human will juxtaposed, interacting and dancing.

A new phrase came into my awareness this week, ‘human accidents’.  Our human choices are sometimes strange.  I have always taught that ‘there are no accidents’.   Now I am questioning, even as I approach my 80’s, more dissolve in the Vastness.

There is ‘Growing up’ even as we are ‘Waking up’ in this dance that includes Light and dark.  I listen to the direction about taking steps, one step at a time sometimes, to go forward.  I will follow that direction as I continue to ‘put on a breastplate of love’.  It is the same direction that came for me when I wrote about ‘tsunamis, earthquakes and wombhouses’, now six years ago.

I find myself in deep gratitude for the Guidance that is coming in this video that was somehow created to include both time and Timelessness.  It reminds me that moments where you experience grief and sorrow will take us into more levels of the soul ascending.

The platform of you continues to manifest, revealing more of the mystery.  We experience the manifestations in the seasons of our lives in so many different ways..

CODE 4:  Will & Understanding
and the Executive Power of Mind
relating to Chapters 19-25


I would love for you to leave a comment about your experience.  How has your Center of Gravity shifted, recently, or through the seasons of your lives?  What has foregrounded as other things have moved to background?
As always, we welcome your comments at the bottom of the YouTube video.

You will receive the next video (Code 5) by email 10 days from now on Monday, November 20th.  We encourage you to save the date for our November Called by Love Institute Worldwide Call in your calendar. It will be just before Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 22nd at 10 am PDT. The invitation from Marj and all details will be sent to you that week.

With Deep Love and Gratitude,


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