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BEING IN THE FLOW… A Message and Invitation from Marj (+ July CBLI Call Recording)

A Message and Invitation from Marj for our July Worldwide Call
(including access to the recording)

It has been a very full month for me, filled with travel, incredible gifts of inspiration and joy, as well as moments that were unexpected, inviting me to pause and take a deep breath!  I’m wondering how it has been for you?

Fabienne and I have returned from a week at Unity Village and the Worldwide Unity conference.   The theme was “One Humanity, Many Stories”.  I am so thrilled to see stories become significant.  It was a wonderful experience.

It felt like miracles accelerating!  I spend another week afterward in Kansas City, meeting with people and connecting with friends.  Life is good…

And then, as happens in this world of opposites, when I got home…my computer crashed!  It feels like ‘where the two seas meet’ sometimes.  There are polarities and paradoxes.  Time and Timelessness dance, along with Knowing and Unknowing.  This was the “no-more-delay-nudge” I needed to get into movement and prompt my decision that was already put in motion by the generous collective gift I had received for my 80th birthday!

How do you navigate the transitions, knowing order within chaos?  What are the guiding principles of Be Here Now?  What are your anchors, your foundations when shifts happen?

What foregrounds?  What backgrounds?  How do you find your center?

It is amazing to me to realize that we are already in the second half of 2019.  How are we navigating it?  I would love for us to simply take a bit of time to connect with our hearts, pause and breathe, opening to Spirit revealing Itself, showing us the way.

How can we support each other in this incredible process of Living Love as a guiding principle in our lives?  Do we dare to dream boldly, see a Spirit-directed vision of how that may be unfolding?

I invite you to spend some time in the Stillness between now and our call tomorrow.  Ask Spirit to give you glimpses of the vision that may be part of your path.  A Course in Miracles says that only a little willingness is required.  Will you be willing?

How beautiful it is to spend time connecting…  I am so looking forward to our call tomorrow, Wednesday July 10th:

Called by Love Institute Worldwide Call
Wednesday, July 10th at 10 am PDT

With Deep Love and Gratitude,Marj

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