A Commitment to Love
A Message from Marj, incl. invitation for our Worldwide Call
this Wednesday September 11th at 10 am PDT
There are so many realms in our lives. Spirit, Soul and body; Divine and human; Stages of Development experienced in different decades of our lives; Visible and Invisible; all of this and more happening all of the time! What have your realms been? What are they now? What are your commitments and ways that you live them?
In our last call, we had an invitation: Practice Living Love, as consciously as possible, in ordinary and extra-ordinary ways, make a Commitment to Love. Participate in the invitation and also be an observer and reporter of this Holy Experiment. Did you do it? How did it reveal itself? What did you learn?
What does it mean to make a Commitment to Living Love? How did you observe it changing, if it did? How has it changed in your life over time? What has emerged as you’ve gone through shifts and changes happened? How has ‘control’ played in the movie of your life? Who or what was in control?
Where are you now? I’ll be sharing with you some of my own experiences in this Holy Experiment, some totally unexpected, some reflecting a Knowing coming from many years of deep dives in spiritual living. There were some ‘reminders’, remembering that came back with new levels of Revelation. I love it when that happens!
For me, it is a learning coming from the heart that includes a connection with the All That Is. I’ve called it ‘Dancing All of the Colors of the Rainbow’, it is giving me more glimpses into what that means. It is a Creation of another kind. There are familiar words, yet they are experienced with the energy of realms beyond.
Over the experiences of our lives, we have developed and been imprinted by beliefs, some coming from old experiences, some new. Purging of old beliefs can free space for the new. With the old beliefs, there was learning, and now if we are to make a commitment to Living Love, we must unlearn some of those beliefs.
We may feel tested, even as we are being given opportunities for unlearning, opening us into the Ways of Love of another kind. It is a call for another kind of engagement with life and with Love. An attitude of openness is required for the unlearning and new learning. It has much in common with forgiveness and judgment falling away as innocence is established.
Our life becomes our teacher, the curriculum is designed specifically for you, and only you can master it. It brings us into a time of Tenderness with love, safety and trust, it touches our heart. There is a Promise involved that requires engagement with life, love and commitment. It asks for participation, involvement, attention and being present.
It will be another moment of Joining heart to heart.
I am so looking forward to our call on Wednesday at 10 am PDT:
Wednesday, September 11th at 10 am PDTCALL REPLAY:

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from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt