This was the invitation email from Marj, with the link to the call recording:
A Message and Invitation from Marj for our Worldwide Call this Wednesday
Many years ago, my beloved friend, Robert Hudson, introduced me to a movie that was made in the 1970’s called ‘Powers of 10’. Now, when Terri O’Fallon talks of zooming in and zooming out related to the Stages,, I often think of that movie and the impact that both have had on my life.Are there people, places, ‘moments in time’ that you can recognize as having that kind of impact in your life? Are there things, phrases, words that are like Symbols in your life, your 1,000 piece puzzle? Can you see repeating patterns and recognize them at higher and deeper levels of Knowing?
Let me just mention a few and see if it might ‘tweak’ or jog your own awareness of this Divine Plan flowing in your life…
One Power, a song by Daniel Nahmod, that I heard him sing just this Sunday;
The Twelve Powers, the Stages of Co-Creation, constantly moving in my life for 30+ years, sometimes background, sometimes foreground;
Cycles in time, 3 years, 30 years, meanings for me, past, present and future as One.
This month, for me, involves significant travel, some of it is related to new birthing energy in my life, like the Wholy You event and training with Suzanne Giesemann.
Others will be integrating the energy of more than 30 years, including all of the ways that Spirit will weave the Energy of Revelation into past, present and future as One.
There will be a lot of zooming in, zooming out. I will be turning over more and more pieces of my 1,000 piece puzzle and Spirit will be showing me how they fit in a picture of Vastness more beautiful than I could even imagine.
How is all of this happening in your life? Have there been moments of Void and darkness for you, as there have been for me? Were you asked to hold a Vision when it seemed impossible to see it? Did it require Radical Faith and Trust? Did you move in the Stillness into Divine Imagination, inviting Spirit to show you the way?
Have you had Glimpses of potential like I have? And, to use another phrase that I love from Terri O’Fallon, have you experienced the ‘rocking chair’ effect? Have you rocked back and forth? Have you rocked back into former realms of ways you know, the ways that felt comfortable, at least until it didn’t?
Have you rocked forward into what was clearly Unknowing, knowing that the chair would find its own balance point, comforting you as you simply rested in that Knowing, being present in That? Are you getting Glimpses in your Imagination that could be part of ‘past, present and future as One’? Are you feeling the Awe of That?
We will talk about this on the call on Wednesday:
Wednesday, June 5th at 10 am PDT
Deep Love and Gratitude,

In case you missed Marj in dialogue with Suzanne Giesemann
on the Unity Radio show MESSAGES OF HOPE, you can still
listen to it at
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from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt