Please find above the recordings of the two Zoom
sessions from earlier this week. And remember…
there is still time to join Marj & Ronney for the Interactive
Book Club starting on Thursday!
The Book Club REGISTRATION can be found at:
A Message from Marj:
Have you felt the Knowing in the Unknowing? Have you felt and ‘seen’ the Realizations even though they are still Invisible?
The words “I Am That, Always Already” contain them. Yet have you not known how to work with the Knowing? Have you wondered, even asked, “What is the structure”? What are the first steps, what are the pieces of this Divine Vision that seems so ineffable, so much a part of a Mystery that I can’t even understand?
It is in every part of your life, sometimes in very strange or hidden disguises. There are pieces of this Mystery that we have spent our lives dancing with, yet it keeps opening us to the Beyond into the next Unknowing. We have even searched for some of this together, or you wouldn’t be reading this!
The Way includes:
• When two or more are gathered in My Name, in That Consciousness,
There I Am
• Aligning with Divine Mind and opening to the shift from ‘self’ to Self
Are you wondering how???
• Living the Stillness, in all of Its stages in your life, prayer, meditation evolving into the Silence that is the Background of the All That Is
• Scribing what Comes, I’ve called it ‘Write Your Soul’, that is beyond journaling or writing;
• Following the Dots…of Spirit, different from your human ego or rational mind. It may seem like a Stairway to Heaven that is invisible until you take the first step, each step becoming visible in its own time;
• Opening to the Promise that there will be Mighty Companions beside you, some you already know, others you have not yet met;
• And more, some of which we already know, many that we will be discovering together.
WHAT does TOGETHER mean? I know that COLLABORATION is a part of it. We will be beginning…and YOU are INVITED.
On our Called By Love Institute Zoom on Wednesday, I’ll be telling you more about the Magic and the Miracle of It, how it is all weaving together in ways that have been Beyond my human mind. Obviously, there is Cosmic timing involved!
At least that is the way that it feels to me! We are in the very beginning…of a New Cosmic Cycle. I am looking forward to our ZOOM on Wednesday, October 20 at 10am, our monthly Called By Love Institute gathering.
We will be going into the EXPERIENCE of HOW TO manifest from DIVINE MIND together. It has been ‘hidden’ in your life, it is found in Unity of Tustin’s beautiful Meditation Gardens at Site 3, and it is in CODE 3 of Your Soul’s Invisible Codes, Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story.
As we come together on Wednesday, I will also briefly share about beginning the New Cosmic Cycle with a BOOK CLUB. To know more about the Book Club that is the first step of this, you are invited to register for the FREE INTRODUCTION that will be LIVE on Thursday October 21st, 2021 at 10 am PDT.
You can learn more and register for it at
and/or by sending an email to Ronney at [email protected](and cc me at [email protected]).

Click here to REGISTER or use the email listed above
I am so excited, this is a COLLABORATION, and you will be part of it. Like happens with Divine Invitations, they can show up ‘out of the blue’, we will share more about how it works!
I am so looking forward to being together on zoom on Wednesday and/or Thursday.
With Deep Love and Gratitude,
While there is no charge to join us on our monthly gatherings,
Called By Love Institute welcomes Tax Deductible Donations
to help cover the costs related to Called By Love Institute!
Your CHECKS made to Called by Love Institute can be sent to:
Called By Love Institute
c/o Fabienne Meuleman
13681 Newport Ave.
Ste 8 – #863
Tustin, CA, 92780
You are also welcome to
Using this link
Code 3: Inspiration & Divine Imagination ~ with Dr. Marj Britt
+ HANDOUT that Marj might refer to during the Zoom this week:
Matrix Page 1 – Matrix Page 2 – Matrix Page 3
If you know someone who is not yet on our email list and would like to receive the updates from Called by Love Institute ~ Living, Loving, Legacy with Dr. Marj Britt
they can sign up at