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Replay of the CBLI Zoom from December 18th, 2023: Endings and Beginnings

Here is the replay of the CBLI Zoom from December 18th, 2023:

To read the email invitation from Marj, with the pictures, you can follow this link:

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Here is the message from Fabienne that was read during the call:

Dear Called By Love Friends,

While it has been a long time wishing to be able to send you further updates, the alchemy of the process took as long as it took and so, here we are. I got to meet Ross and Mary virtually and I congratulate them as new members of the board.

Of course, I continue to hold intentions for the unfolding for the Highest Good for all and sending blessings to you and your family during this Sacred Holiday Season and always. 

I am holding the blessings of our ‘Sacred Love Stories’ that have joined together dear to my heart. That our ‘Intersections in Time that Changed our Lives’ started from the beginning of my involvement with Called By Love Institute, or anywhere along the journey, I trust that it was indeed “by divine appointment” as Marj had often said. 

I cherish all the precious memories and the many heart & soul connections made along the way. I am looking forward to sharing with you the projects and ideas that are still alive in my heart to bring into the world as a “Co-Creator of the Highest Good”. 

Blessings and love to each and everyone of you, your families and loved ones, and the future of Called By Love Institute and its impact into the world. 

Sacred Blessings! 

With all my Love, 



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