STANDING ON THE WORD amidst PANDEMIC, CORONA VIRUS and NATIONAL EMERGENCY (March Call Recording, with Marj & John Welshons)

My pattern is to check in with the world each morning as I watch a bit of television while having breakfast.  A CNN host is interviewing Clay, who is an older man with potential pneumonia.  He tested positive with the Corona Virus.  His wife, Suzi, is with him and they are quarantined in their home after receiving the diagnosis. 

The interviewer talks with Clay about research on what happens when elderly people are isolated without their support systems and asks: “What helps you?”  Clay’s answer comes easily and with an unusual passion: “I stand on the Word” and he talks passionately about what that means.

What is the Word?  I know it well.  It is the creation story in one sentence found in the Gospel of John, first chapter, first verse.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  It is the story I love so much in the first chapter of Genesis. I stand on it also! 

Then a surprising and unexpected telephone call comes from my Beloved friend, John Welshons, who was scheduled to speak this Sunday at Unity of Tustin, yet cancelled because of the epidemic, returning instead to the East Coast.  Earlier I had read the email from Unity of Tustin canceling Sunday services and classes for the rest of March.  Where will the hope come from?  People go to churches in times of crises…

Suddenly I realize synchronicities are happening!I invite John to be on the worldwide call with me this coming Wednesday.  John was one of the speakers on our tele summit,  He wrote the beautiful testimonial that is on the back of my book, ‘Your Soul’s Invisible Codes, Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story’. 

Fabienne, John and I had lunch with an angel once when John was here.  Clearly Spirit and the Universe are busy arranging my life and our call together coming on Wednesday!  

 More pieces begin to show up, nothing that I could have planned.  My Beloved friend, Ed Casey, sent me something he had written asking a question: “Is it that Divine Order has stepped in, in a way that perhaps, we do not understand and said enough is enough, we need to get the ATTENTION of the WORLD.  Is it that this CORONA VIRUS serves this purpose?”

What does all of this mean to you?  How is it getting your attention?  How is it leading you, guiding you, revealing to you next steps?  I am so looking forward to our time together on the call on Wednesday.


With Deep Love & Gratitude,  


PS: Reminder… LIVING AS LOVE… 
A reminder in case you haven’t yet read Marj’s article in the Daily Word.
You can still read it HERE

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